Peter Renaday


geboren:9 June 1935
update:2018-10-08 22:57:19


(153 )

2017 - Archer - (TV Serie) - Archer Dreamland: Aufloesung (2017 ) ... (voice)

- Archer Dreamland: No Good Deed (2017 ) ... (voice)

2015 - Star Wars: Uprising - (Video Game) Shortpaw / Trade League Male / Rebel Male (voice)

2013 - Raitoningu ritânzu: Fainaru fantajî XIII - (Video Game) Cleric / Dr. Gysahl / Secutor (voice)

2013 - Mad - (TV Serie) Spock Prime / Martin Brody- Star Blecch Into Dumbness/Stark Tank (2013 ) ... Spock Prime (voice)

- Jaws the Great and Powerful/Old Spocks Off Their Spockers (2013 ) ... Spock Prime / Martin Brody (voice)

2011 -2012 - Ben 10: Ultimate Alien - (TV Serie) Sir George / Additional Voices / Old George- The Ultimate Enemy: Part 1 (2012 ) ... Sir George (voice)

- The Ultimate Enemy: Part 2 (2012 ) ... Sir George (voice, uncredited)

- The Beginning of the End (2012 ) ... Sir George / Additional Voices (voice)

- Solitary Alignment (2011 ) ... Sir George (voice)

- A Knight to Remember (2011 ) ... Sir George / Additional Voices (voice)

6 episoden

2011 - Star Wars: The Old Republic - (Video Game) Warren Sedoru / Captain Gostel / Commander Bevek Thul / ... (voice)

2011 - Assassins Creed: Revelations - (Video Game) Al Mualim (voice)

2011 - Gears of War 3 - (Video Game) Adam Fenix / Various Stranded (voice)

2010 -2011 - Batman: The Brave and the Bold - (TV Serie) Abraham Lincoln / Announcer / Uncle Sam- Mitefall! (2011 ) ... Abraham Lincoln / Announcer (voice)

- Cry Freedom Fighters! (2010 ) ... Uncle Sam (voice)

2011 - Marvel Super Hero Squad Online - (Video Game) Odin (voice)

2010 - Fallout: New Vegas - (Video Game) Doctor Henry / Loyal / No-bark Noonan / ... (voice)

2009 - Avatar: The Game - (Video Game) RDA (voice)

2009 - Kuess den Frosch - (voice)

2009 - Dragon Age: Origins - (Video Game) Duncan (voice)

2009 - Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 - (Video Game) Dagra Dai (English version, voice)

2009 - Halo Wars - (Video Game) Covenant Minister / Additional Voices (voice, as Peter Reneday)

2008 - Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel - (Video) Kenneth Baker (English version, voice, as Peter Reneday)

2008 - Ninja Gaiden II - (Video Game) Dagra Dai (English version, voice)

2008 - The Bourne Conspiracy - (Video Game) (voice)

2007 - Lost Odyssey - (Video Game) King Gohtza (English version, voice)

2007 - Assassins Creed - (Video Game) Al Mualim (voice)

2007 - Lair - (Video Game) Guardian #2 (voice)

2006 - Jeanne dArc - (Video Game) Richard (English version, voice)

2006 - Marvel: Ultimate Alliance - (Video Game) Odin / Namor the Sub-Mariner / Senator Robert Kelly (voice)

2006 - Dead Rising - (Video Game) Sean Keanan / Additional Voices (voice)

2006 - Heroes of Might and Magic V - (Video Game) Tribes of the East DLC (voice)

2006 - Ninety-Nine Nights - (Video Game) (voice)

2006 - Die 10 Gebote - (TV Mini-Serie) Narrator- Episode #1.2 (2006 ) ... Narrator (voice)

- Episode #1.1 (2006 ) ... Narrator (voice)

2006 - Baten kaitosu II: Hajimari no tsubasa to kamigami no shishi - (Video Game) Lyuvann (English version, voice)

2005 - Foreigner 2: Black Dawn - (Video) Dr. Richard Turpin

2005 - The Matrix: Path of Neo - (Video Game) The Key Maker / The Architect / Police / ... (voice)

2005 - Liebesgruesse aus Moskau - (Video Game) M / Party Guests (voice)

2001 -2005 - Grim & Evil - (TV Serie) Abraham Lincoln / Lincoln / Atilla / ...- Ecto-Cooler/The Schlubs (2005 ) ... Lincoln / Atilla (voice)

- Runaway Pants/Scythe 2.0 (2005 ) ... Abraham Lincoln (voice)

- Happy Huggy Stuffy Bears/Secret Decoder Ring (2005 ) ... Creature (voice)

- Chocolate Sailor/The Good, the Bad, and the Toothless (2004 ) ... Chocolate Sailor / Patron (voice)

- Grim for a Day/ChickenBall Z/Max Courage! (2003 ) ... Dr. Courage (voice)

9 episoden

2005 - Rogue Galaxy - (Video Game) Father Raul (English version, voice)

2005 - Tugger: The Jeep 4x4 Who Wanted to Fly - (Video) Pa Pump / Narrator (voice)

2005 - A Distant Thunder - - Harold Shenson

2005 - Shadow of Rome - (Video Game) Marcus Tullius Cicero (voice)

2004 - Viewtiful Joe 2 - (Video Game) Dr. Cranken (English version, voice, as Pete Reneday)

2004 - EverQuest II - (Video Game) Knight Captain Elgrondeth / Qenosian Human Defector / Dworn Soulforge / ... (voice, as Pete Renaday)

2003 -2004 - Evil Con Carne - (TV Serie) Abraham ...


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