O'Neal Compton


geboren:5 February 1951
update:2018-01-11 17:53:32


(39 )

2001 - Stirb spaeter, Liebling - Agent McGinley

2000 - Picking up the Pieces - Ich habe doch nur meine Frau zerlegt - Texas John

2000 - Big Eden - Jim Soams

1999 /I - Lebenslaenglich - Superintendant Abernathy

1998 - Party of Five - (TV Serie) Les Jablonsky- One Christmas, to Go (1998 ) ... Les Jablonsky

1998 - Deep Impact - Morten Entrekin

1998 - LateLine - (TV Serie) Harlan- Buddy Hackett (1998 ) ... Harlan

1998 - Mit aller Macht - Sailorman Shoreson

1997 - New Orleans - Das Gesetz des Suedens - (TV Serie) Lawyer Curtis Manzant / Curtis Manzant- Why Did the Crawfish Cross the Road? (1997 ) ... Lawyer Curtis Manzant

- Missing (1997 ) ... Lawyer Curtis Manzant

- When the Saints Go Marching in (1997 ) ... Lawyer Curtis Manzant

- Luthers Temptation (1997 ) ... Lawyer Curtis Manzant

- Baby-Sitting (1997 ) ... Curtis Manzant

1995 -1997 - Seinfeld - (TV Serie) Earl Haffler / Earl- The English Patient (1997 ) ... Earl Haffler

- The Diplomats Club (1995 ) ... Earl

1996 - Kansas - Weites Land - -

1996 - Diabolisch - Irv Danziger

1995 - Nixon - Der Untergang eines Praesidenten - Texas Man

1995 - Ein Single kommt immer allein - (TV Serie) TY- Attraction (1995 ) ... TY

1995 - Mit Herz und Scherz - (TV Serie) Hal- Oh, a Pro Job: Part 2 (1995 ) ... Hal

1995 - Superman - Die Abenteuer von Lois & Clark - (TV Serie) Gene Newtrich- Individual Responsibility (1995 ) ... Gene Newtrich

1994 - Nell - Don Fontana

1994 - Bad Boys Never Die - - J.T.

1994 - Rebel Highway - (TV Serie) J.T.- Roadracers (1994 ) ... J.T.

1994 - Little Big Boss - Major League Umpire

1994 - Mord unter Freunden - - Det. Easby

1994 - Martin - (TV Serie) Police Officer- No Justice, No Peace (1994 ) ... Police Officer

1993 - Grace - (TV Serie) Doctor- Keeping Faith (1993) ... Doctor

1993 - Angriff der 20-Meter-Frau - - Sheriff Denby

1993 - Go West - (TV Serie) - The Right Stuff (1993)

1993 - The Thing called Love - Die Entscheidung fuers Leben - Singing Cop

1993 - Whats Love Got to Do with It? - George (the Ramada Inn Manager)

1993 - Made in America - Rocky

1993 - When Love Kills: The Seduction of John Hearn - - Minister

1993 - The Positively True Adventures of the Alleged Texas Cheerleader-Murdering Mom - - Principal James Barker

1993 - Wunderbare Jahre - (TV Serie) Zeke- Ladies and Gentlemen... the Rolling Stones (1993) ... Zeke

1993 - Hoer mal, wer da haemmert - (TV Serie) Phil- Love Is a Many Splintered Thing (1993) ... Phil

1992 - Delta - (TV Serie) Mr. Boone / Patron- A Christmas Tale (1992) ... Mr. Boone

- The Bad Word (1992) ... Patron

1992 - Der Himmel kennt keine Traenen - - Burly Man

1992 - Parker Lewis - Der Coole von der Schule - (TV Serie) Fez Man- Kohler Buys the Diner (1992) ... Fez Man

1992 - Dream On - (TV Serie) Huge Guy- B.S. Elliot (1992) ... Huge Guy

1992 - Zurueck in die Vergangenheit - (TV Serie) Russ- The Last Gunfighter - November 28, 1957 (1992) ... Russ

1991 - Brother Future - - Turner

1990 - Mit den besten Absichten - Gas Station Attendant

Hide - Show - Self (1 credit)

2000 - Celluloid Baby - (Documentary) sich selber ...


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Thorleif Mikkelsen
5 February 1897

Daisy Hilton
5 February 1908

Violet Hilton
5 February 1908


Oabnithi Wiwattanawarang
2 August 1994

Obafemi Lasode
December 1955

Nwachukwu Uti
3 August 1982

Nuttanicha Dungwattanawanich
12 April 1996

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