Mickey Rooney


geboren:23 September 1920
update:2018-10-08 22:57:41


(337 )

2017 - Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Mr. Louis

2015 - American Dad - (TV Serie) Short Producer- A Star Is Reborn (2015 ) ... Short Producer (voice)

2014 - Nachts im Museum - Das geheimnisvolle Grabmal - Gus

2012 - Driving Me Crazy - Mr. Cohen

2012 /I - The Woods - Lester

2012 - The Voices from Beyond - Johnny OHara

2011 - Bamboo Shark - Brooks

2011 - Die Muppets - Smalltown Resident

2011 - Night Club - Jerry Sherman

2010 /I - Gerald - The Doctor

2010 /I - Now Here - Swifty

2009 - Saddle Up with Dick Wrangler & Injun Joe - Owen Blumenkrantz

2008 - A Miser Brothers Christmas - - Santa Claus (voice)

2008 - Mord im Empire State Building - - Mickey Silver

2008 - Above the Line - (TV Serie) Mickey- Episode #1.1 (2008 ) ... Mickey

2008 - Lost Stallions: The Journey Home - Chief

2008 - Wreck the Halls - - Santa

2007 - The Greatest Show Ever - - The Boss

2007 - The Yesterday Pool - - Trobadar

2007 - A Christmas Too Many - (Video) Grandpa

2007 - Behind the Directors Sons Cut - (Video short) Eriks Grandfather

2007 - Lilith - (Video) Savy

2006 - Nachts im Museum - Gus

2005 - The Happy Elf - (Video) Santa (voice)

2005 - Strike the Tent - David McCord

2004 - Paradise - Simon / Henry, Sr.

2004 - To Kill a Mockumentary - (Video) Max

2002 - Topa Topa Bluffs - Prospector

2001 - Susi und Strolch 2: Kleine Strolche - Grosses Abenteuer! - (Video) Sparky (voice)

2000 - Das Megaplex-Phantom - - Movie Mason

2000 - Internet Love -

1999 - Holy Hollywood -

1999 - Safe Harbor - (TV Serie) Art Sumski- Life Insurance (1999 ) ... Art Sumski

1999 - Chicken Soup for the Soul - (TV Serie) Old Man- Goodbye, My Friend (1999 ) ... Old Man

1999 - The First of May - Boss Ed

1999 - Robbie und Matt - Ausser Rand und Band - - Wellington

1998 - Stories from My Childhood - (TV Serie) Oleeloquoia- The Snow Queen (1998 ) ... Oleeloquoia (voice)

1998 - Schweinchen Babe in der grossen Stadt - Fugly Floom

1998 - Remember WENN - (TV Serie) Mr. Hardy- The Follies of WENN (1998 ) ... Mr. Hardy

1998 - Sindbad - Die Schlacht der schwarzen Ritter - Sage

1998 - Mike Hammer, Private Eye - (TV Serie) Lucius- Lucky in Love (1998 ) ... Lucius

1998 - Emergency Room: Die Notaufnahme - (TV Serie) Dr. George Bikel- Exodus (1998 ) ... Dr. George Bikel

1998 - Michael Kael - Live aus Katango - Griffith

1998 - Animals with the Tollkeeper - Tollkeeper

1997 - Killing Midnight - Professor Mort Sang

1997 - Kings of the Court - (Video)

1997 - Kleo the Misfit Unicorn - (TV Serie) Talbut- Words of Wisdom (1997 ) ... Talbut

- Waiting for Kleo (1997 ) ... Talbut

- Thomas and Kleo (1997 ) ... Talbut

- The Tell-Tale Tail (1997 ) ... Talbut

- The Reindeer Herders Daughter (1997 ) ... Talbut

26 episoden

1997 - The Face on the Barroom Floor -

1997 - Conan, der Abenteurer - (TV Serie) Gobe- The Heart of the Elephant: Part 2 (1997 ) ... Gobe -

- The Heart of the Elephant: Part 1 (1997 ) ... Gobe

1996 - Kung Fu - Im Zeichen des Drachen - (TV Serie) Harold Lang- A Shaolin Treasure (1996 ) ... Harold Lang

1995 - Zwei Brueder auf der Flucht - - Father Flanagan

1994 - Eine himmlische Versuchung - Gabriel

1994 - Outlaws: The Legend of O.B. Taggart - O.B. Taggart

1994 - Full House - (TV Serie) Mr. Dreghorn- Arrest Ye Merry Gentlemen (1994 ) ... Mr. Dreghorn

1994 - Revenge of the Red Baron - Grandpa Spencer

1993 - Mord ist ihr Hobby - (TV Serie) Matt Cleveland- Bloodlines (1993) ... Matt Cleveland

1990-1993 - Black, der schwarze Blitz - (TV Serie) Henry Dailey- Under October Skies (1993) ... Henry Dailey

- Glory Days (1993) ... Henry Dailey

- Legends Never Die (1993) ... Henry Dailey

- A Day at the Beach (1993) ... Henry Dailey

- A House Divided (1993) ... Henry Dailey

78 episoden

1993 - La vida láctea - Barry Reilly

1992 - Sweet Justice - Zeke

1992 - Wolf Mountain - Pat Jensen

1992 - Maximum Force - Chief of Police

1992 - Jacks Place - (TV Serie) Harry Burton- Solo (1992) ... Harry Burton

1992 - Die Abenteuer von Pico und Columbus - Narrator (English version, voice)

199 ...


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Peter Settelen
23 September 1951

Ana María Aguilera
23 September 1984

Tielen Müller
23 September 1986


Mico Cundari
24 August 1930

Mico Palanca
3 February 1978

Mickaël Viguier
14 September 1973

Mick Werup
16 November 1958

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