Frank Leigh


geboren:18 April 1876
update:2018-10-09 02:19:43


(90 )

1947 - Taifun - Guest (uncredited)

1947 - Der Windhund und die Lady - Man in Kimberlys Office (uncredited)

1947 - The Beginning or the End - British General (uncredited)

1946 - Der unbekannte Geliebte - Party Guest (uncredited)

1946 - Erfuellte Traeume - Cardinal in Opera (uncredited)

1946 - Gilda - Man (uncredited)

1945 - Jagd im Nebel - Miner (uncredited)

1945 - Music Box Girls - Air Warden (uncredited)

1944 - Ministerium der Angst - Man (uncredited)

1943 - Das Lied von Bernadette - Cleric (uncredited)

1942 - Der Seeraeuber - Sea Captain (uncredited)

1942 - Men of San Quentin - Board Member (uncredited)

1938 - The Lone Wolf in Paris - Dmitri - Major-Domo (uncredited)

1938 - Arsène Lupin Returns - English Eddie (uncredited)

1937 - The Legion of Missing Men - Col. Laurant

1937 - Rekrut Willie Winkie - Rajput Merchant (uncredited)

1936 - Signale nach London - Underwriter (uncredited)

1936 - Wives Never Know - Britisher (uncredited)

1936/I - The Amazing Exploits of the Clutching Hand - Maj. Courtney Wickham

1935 - The Spanish Cape Mystery - Teller

1935 - Rescue Squad - Azur

1934 - Sword of the Arab - -

1933 - Kiss of Araby - Sheik El Rahman

1932 - Der Daemon Russlands - Rasputin - Aristocrat at Ball (uncredited)

1932 - Torchy Rolls His Own - -

1932 - The Woman from Monte Carlo - Pilot

1931 - Ten Nights in a Bar-Room - Harvey Green

1930 - Lotus Lady - Brent

1929 - The Thirteenth Chair - Professor Feringeea

1929 - Montmartre Rose -

1929 - Love in the Desert - Harim

1929 - Below the Deadline - Beau Nash

1928 - Koenig Cowboy - Abdul El Hassan

1928 - Prowlers of the Sea - Felipe

1928 - A Night of Mystery - Rochemore

1928 - The Devils Skipper -

1927 - The Way of All Pants - -

1927 - The Tigress - Pietro the Bold

1927 - Soft Cushions - The Lean Thief

1927 - Der Sohn der Taiga - Outlaw Peasant in Cabin (uncredited)

1927 - Der Held von Sonora - Monte Black

1926 - The Flaming Forest - Lupin

1926 - The Lady of the Harem - Jafar

1926 - The Adorable Deceiver - Jim Doyle

1926 - Flame of the Argentine - Emilio Tovar

1926 - The Impostor - De Mornoff

1926 - Secret Orders - Cook

1925 - The Pleasure Buyers - Terry

1925 - The Winding Stair - Andrea

1925 - His Majesty, Bunker Bean - Professor Balthasar

1925 - American Pluck - Count Verensky

1925 - Herr ueber Leben und Tod - Watkins

1924 - Flames of Desire - Ferand Vavasour

1924 - Honor Among Men - Renauld

1924 - The Breath of Scandal - Sybils husband

1924 - Hutch of the U.S.A. - General Moreno

1924 - The Reckless Age - George Jenkins

1924 - The Hill Billy - Groundhog Spence

1923 - Unter den Woelfen von Alaska - Jeffrey Clough

1923 - Rosita - Prison Commandant

1923 - Die Bluthochzeit - Lupi

1923 - The Lonely Road - Stewart Bartley

1923 - The Gentleman from America - Don Ramón Gonzales

1923 - Truxton King - Count Marlaux

1922 - Out of the Silent North - Ashleigh Nefferton

1922 - Domestic Relations - Joe Martin

1922 - Golden Dreams - Don Felipe de Cristobal

1921 - The Light in the Clearing - Ben Grimshaw

1921 - Pilgrims of the Night - Marcel

1921 - The Hell Diggers - Calthrope Masters

1921 - Bob Hampton of Placer - Silent Murphy

1920 - Help Wanted - Male - Clerk

1920 - One Hour Before Dawn - Norman Osgood

1920 - The Mother of His Children - Count Tolstoff

1920 - Nurse Marjorie - Lord Douglas Fitztrevor

1920 - Dangerous Days - Rudolph Klein

1920 - The Cup of Fury - Nicky

1919 - Common Property - Ivan Ivaoff ["Ivanoff"]

1919 - Snares of Paris - Belkloc

1919 - Lord and Lady Algy - Marquis of Quarmby

1919 - Rose of the West - Pierre Labelle

1919 - The Sleeping Lion - Undetermined Role

1919/I - The Usurper - Sir George Trenery

1919 - A Regular Fellow - Count Eugenia

1919 - The Homebreaker - Fernando Poyntier

1919 - All of a Sudden Norma - Duke of Duffield

1918 - Crown Jewels - Baron Strickland
< ...


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