Zack Norman


geboren:27 May 1940
update:2017-06-07 19:52:08


(39 )

2019 - Weekend Retreat - - - Larry

2018 - E.N.T.E.R. - - Larry

2015 /I - Ovation - Kaz Naiman

2015 - Directors Commentary: Terror of Frankenstein - David Falks (voice)

2014 /XII - Gone - - Richard Straus

2014 - The M Word - Louie Hess

2010 - Queen of the Lot - Kaz Naiman

2009 - Irene in Time - Larry

2008 - Emma Blue - Victor Vronski

2006 - Hollywood Dreams - Kaz Naiman

2003 - Skeeter Hammond: Handles, Hops and the Fourth Dimension - Skeeters Biggist Fan

2001 - Festival in Cannes - Kaz Naiman

1998 - Get a Job -

1998 - Has-Been - - Skip Martin

1996 - Nichts als Trouble mit den Frauen - Terry

1993-1995 - Die Nanny - (TV Serie) Uncle Jack- The Unkindest Cut (1995 ) ... Uncle Jack

- Take Back Your Mink (1994 ) ... Uncle Jack

- The Butler, the Husband, the Wife and Her Mother (1993) ... Uncle Jack

1995 - Crosscut - Verfolgt von der Mafia - Rance Moreland

1994 - Babyfever - Mark

1993 - Lucky Ducks - Sidney

1993 - Lush Life - - Beanstrom

1993 - Baywatch - Die Rettungsschwimmer von Malibu - (TV Serie) Valdez- Blindside (1993) ... Valdez

1993 - At Home with the Webbers - - Sledge Hammer

1992 - Venice, Venice - Dennis

1991 - Der rote Blitz - (TV Serie) Serge Tallent- Done with Mirrors (1991) ... Serge Tallent (uncredited)

1990 - Cadillac Man - Harry Munchack

1988 - Chief Zabu - Sammy Brooks

1986 - Az aranyifjú - - Sofõr

1986 - America - Terrance Hackley

1985 - Das A-Team - (TV Serie) Gino Scarlatti- Judgement Day: Part 2 (1985) ... Gino Scarlatti

- Judgement Day: Part 1 (1985) ... Gino Scarlatti

1984 - Auf der Jagd nach dem gruenen Diamanten - Ira

1981 - Ragtime - Gent No. 2 - Manager

1980 - Leichte Beute - Sidney

1978 - Finger - Zaertlich und brutal - Patrolman Levy

1976 - Tracks - Gene

1976 - Gums - Norm Gingold

1974 - ...E i cannoni tuonano ancora - Slater

1974 - Das Gewissen -

1971 - Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up to Me - Mojo

1963 - Verliebt in einen Fremden - Young Man (uncredited)

Hide - Show - Producer (6 )

2012 /I - Overnight - (producer - as Howard Zuker)

1988 - Chief Zabu - (producer - as Howard Zuker)

1976 - Tracks - (producer - as Howard Zuker)

1974 - Das Gewissen - (executive producer - as Howard Zuker)

1974 - To Kill the King - (producer - as Howard Zuker)

1972 - Der Moench und die Frauen - (executive producer - as Hohard J. Zuker)

Hide - Show - Director (1 credit)

1988 - Chief Zabu - (as Howard Zuker)

Hide - Show - Writer (1 credit)

1988 - Chief Zabu - (as Howard Zuker)

Hide - Show - Miscellaneous Crew (1 credit)

1993 - At Home with the Webbers - - (footage courtesy of - as Howard Zucker)

Hide - Show - Thanks (4 )

2013 - Bullit: The Documentary - (TV Serie documentary) (special thanks - 1 episode) - A Day at the Racetrack (2013 ) ... (special thanks - as Howard Zucker)

2003 - Skeeter Hammond: Handles, Hops and the Fourth Dimension - (special thanks)

1997 - Déjà Vu - (thanks)

1980 - You Better Watch Out - (the producers wish to thank: for their cooperation)

Hide - Show - Self (4 )

1995 - Who Is Henry Jaglom? - (Documentary) sich selber

1994 - Az áldozat - (Documentary)

1969 - The David Frost Show - (TV Serie) sich selber- Episode #2.16 (1969) ... sich selber

- Episode #2.5 (1969) ... sich selber

1969 - The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson - (TV Serie) sich selber - Guest- Folge ausgestrahlt: 28 April 1969 (1969) ... sich selber - Guest ...


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