

geboren:15 January 1622
update:2017-10-07 15:32:22


Hide - Show - Writer (284 )

- Teatr telewizji - (TV Serie) (play - 3 episoden, 1957 - 2019) (drama - 1 episode, 2008 ) (comedy - 1 episode, 2002 ) (author - 1 episode, 1971) - Chory z urojenia (2019) ... (play)

- Szkola zon (2008 ) ... (drama)

- Tartuffe, czyli obludnik (2002 ) ... (comedy)

- Uczone bialoglowy (1997 ) ... (play)

- Swietoszek (1971) ... (author)

6 episoden

2018 - Kata Fantasian Asthenis - (Video) (play)

2015 - Dom Juan & Sganarelle - - (play "Dom Juan ou le Festin de pierre")

2015 - Dom Juan, Acte IV, Scène 3 - - (play)

2014 - Den gerrige - -

2013 - Molière auf dem Fahrrad - (characters)

2012 - Agatha Christie: Moerderische Spiele - (TV Serie) (writer - 1 episode) - Le couteau sur la nuque (2012 ) ... (writer: play "Don Juan", excerpt - uncredited)

2012 - Ariadne auf Naxos - - (by: To be played after "Le Bourgeois gentilhomme")

2012 - Le Bourgeois gentilhomme, Comédie-ballet de Molière et Lully - - (by)

2011 - Den girige - - (play)

2009 - Lavare - - (play)

2009 - Le bourgeois gentilhomme - - (comedy)

2009 - Les précieuses ridicules - - (play)

2008 - Le malade imaginaire - - (play)

2008 - Le mariage forcé - - (play)

2007 - Lavare - -

2005 - Le bourgeois gentilhomme - - (play)

2005 - Lécole des femmes - (Video) (by)

2005 - Der eingebildete Kranke - - (play "Le Malade Imaginaire")

2005 - A foesvény - -

2005 - Dom Juan - (Video) (by)

2003 - Amphitryon - -

2003 - Dom Juan - -

2003 - Les femmes savantes - - (by)

2003 - Sganarelle - -

2003 - Lakomec - - (play "LAvare")

2002 - Le malade imaginaire - -

2001 - Lécole des maris - - (play)

2001 - Le bourgeois gentilhomme - - (by)

2001 - Monsieur de Pourceaugnac - - (play)

2001 - Come un eroe del Novecento - - (play "Le Tartuffe")

2000 - Le misanthrope - - (comedy)

2000 - Lavare - -

2000 - ¡Qué grande es el teatro! - (TV Serie) (play - 1 episode) - Las mujeres sabias (2000 ) ... (play)

1999 - Amphitryon - - (by)

1999 - George Dandin - - (by)

1999 - Lavare - - (play)

1999 - Lécole des femmes - - (play)

1999 - Le mariage forcé - - (by)

1999 - Limpromptu de Versailles - - (by)

1998 - Der Menschenfeind - - (play "Le misanthrope")

1998 - Les fourberies de Scapin - - (comedy)

1998 - Tartuffe ou Limposteur - - (play)

1998 - Don Juan - (play "Dom Juan ou le festin de pierre")

1997 - Les précieuses ridicules - - (play)

1997 - Georges Dandin de Molière - - (play "Georges Dandin")

1997 - Tartuffe - hycklaren - - (play - as Jean Baptiste Poquelin Moliére)

1996 - Der eingebildete Kranke - - (play "Le malade imaginaire")

1996 - Skola za zene - - (drehbuch)

1995 - Mizantróp - - (play)

1994 /II - Le misanthrope - - (play)

1994 /I - Le misanthrope - - (play)

1994 - La mort de Molière - (Video)

1993 - Le bourgeois gentilhomme - - (by: comédie-ballet en cinq actes)

1992 - Le médecin malgré lui - - (by: Comédie en trois actes)

1992 - Tartyuf - - (play "Le Tartuffe")

1992 - Der Geizhals - - (play)

1991 - El misàntrop - - (play)

1991 - Don Juan en los infiernos - (play "Dom Juan ou le festin de pierre")

1990 - Le malade imaginaire - - (play)

1990 - Der Geizige - - (play "Lavare")

1990 - Lavaro - (based on the play "Lavare" by)

1989 - De vrek - -

1989 - Den inbillade sjuke - - (play "The imaginary invalid")

1988 - Tartif - - (play)

1988 - Theatre Night - (TV Serie) (play - 1 episode) - The Miser (1988) ... (play)

1988 - Dand ...


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Czesław Pieniążek
15 January 1844

Nils Personne
15 January 1850

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15 January 1850


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20. century

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22 April 1976

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