Amilcare Pettinelli


geboren:1 October 1886
update:2017-10-08 02:40:04


Hide - Show - Miscellaneous Crew (32 )

1962 - Totò contro Maciste - (voice dubbing: totò (in the role of Sabakis only - uncredited)

1961 - Aladins Abenteuer - (voice dubbing: Raymond Bussières - uncredited)

1957 - Der Vampir von Notre-Dame - (voice dubbing: Emilio Petacci - uncredited)

1956 - Krieg und Frieden - (voice dubbing: Barry Jones: Italian version - uncredited)

1953 - Don Camillos Rueckkehr - (voice dubbing: Charles Vissière - Italian version, uncredited)

1952 - Ewige Melodie - (voice dubbing: Giovanni Grasso - uncredited)

1952 - Don Camillo und Peppone - (voice dubbing: Charles Vissière - uncredited)

1950 - Der Goettergatte - (voice dubbing: Lucien Baroux - uncredited)

1948 - Kritische Jahre - (voice dubbing: Enzo Biliotti - uncredited)

1945 - La casa senza tempo - (voice dubbing: Armando Migliardi)

1945 - La freccia nel fianco - (voice dubbing: Emilio Petacci - uncredited)

1945 - Quartieri alti - (voice dubbing: Giulio Stival)

1944 - Carmen - (voice dubbing: Jean Brochard - Italian version)

1943 - Enrico IV - (voice dubbing: Augusto Marcacci)

1943 - Tristi amori - (voice dubbing: Jules Berry)

1943 - I nostri sogni - (voice dubbing: Leone Papa)

1943 - La vita torna - (voice dubbing: Aristide Baghetti)

1943 - SantElena, piccola isola - (voice dubbing: Annibale Betrone)

1943 - Spie fra le eliche - (voice dubbing: Enzo Biliotti)

1942 - Gelosia - (voice dubbing: Andrea DAmaniera)

1942 - Il fanciullo del West - (voice dubbing: Egisto Olivieri)

1942 - La Gorgona - (voice dubbing: Annibale Betrone)

1942 - Il ponte sullinfinito - (voice dubbing: Guglielmo Sinaz)

1942 - Ein Pistolenschuss - (voice dubbing: Romolo Costa)

1942 - Tragica notte - (voice dubbing: Juan De Landa - uncredited)

1942 - Il mercante di schiave - (voice dubbing: Augusto Di Giovanni)

1941 - Il vagabondo - (voice dubbing: Giuseppe Zago)

1941 - Die Verlobte - (voice dubbing: Luis Hurtado - uncredited)

1941 - Nozze di sangue - (voice dubbing: Felice Romano)

1941 - Un marito per il mese di aprile - (voice dubbing: Arturo Bragaglia)

1939 - Marionette - (voice dubbing: Richard Romanowsky)

1938 - Stasera alle undici - (voice dubbing: Sergio Tofano)

(27 )

1959 - Brevi amori a Palma di Majorca - The Duke of Maurino (voice, uncredited)

1958 - Aufstand der Gladiatoren - Senatore Lucilio (voice, uncredited)

1957 - Mein Allerwertester - (uncredited)

1950 - Einer war zuviel - Donate

1950 - Der Goettergatte - Arcivescovo (voice, uncredited)

1949 - Wer Geld hat, hat mehr vom Leben -

1948 - Die Erde bebt - Narrator (voice, uncredited)

1948 - Lebreo errante - Jacques Deschamps

1946 - Il testimone - Giuseppe Marchi (voice, uncredited)

1945 - I dieci comandamenti -

1944 - La fornarina - Agostino Chigi

1943 - Non mi muovo! - Il cliente infuriato

1943 - Harlem - Il signor Howard

1943 - Tempesta sul golfo - Avvocato difensore

1943 - Mater dolorosa - Il duca dEleda

1943 - Maria Malibran - Limpresario

1942 - Die Letzten von Giarabub - Il colonello

1940 - Boccaccio - Il Siniscalco

1940 - Le due madri -

1940 - Skandal um Dora - Il regista

1938 - La dama bianca -

1938 - Come le foglie - Advocat Riccardo Janni

1936 - Vivere - Kehr zurueck, mein Maedel! -

1934 - Frontiere -

1920 - Lundicesimo comandamento -

1919 - La canzone delle rose -

1918 - Tombola - ...


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Hugh Enes Blackmore
1 October 1863

Masao Ōmura
1 October 1878

Anta Klints
1 October 1893

ÄHNLICHER NAME: Amilcare Pettinelli

Aminah Cendrakasih
29 January 1938

Aminata Fall
29 January 1930

Amerigo Fontani
15 June 1955

Amerigo Alberani

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